STAR WARS INSTRUCTIONS This is the official home computer version of the famous Atari Star Wars coin-op. It is an interactive action game for one player. GAME STRUCTURE You take the place of Luke Skywalker, steering your X-fighter space ship from one attack wave to another, in order to eliminate the Death Star. Each wave consists of three sequences; SEQUENCE 1 - DOGFIGHT IN DEEP SPACE Approaching the death star, you must shoot down the defending Empire's Tie- Fighters, while avoiding their deadly lissiles. SEQUENCE 2 - THROUGH THE TOWERS After reaching the Death Star's surface, you have to survive the attack of the various laser towers, which grow up from the ground. SEQUENCE 3 - DOWN THE TRENCH At last, you dive into the trench searching for your final aim; the exhaust port. Hitting this causes the Death Star to explode, and your mission will end successfully. At the beginning, you start out with a number of shield points. Each enemy hit or collision will decrement the shield strength by one point. At the end of each attack wave, you will get extra shield points, and bonus points points for each remaining shield. If you lose all your shield points, your X-fighter explodes, and the game is over. SCORING Hitting the various targets increments your score during play. Here is a list of the differant values: Missile 33 Points Tie-fighter 1000 Points Laser tower 200 Points Trench turret 100 Points Exhaust Port 25000 Points The 10 best players are recorded in the highscore table. LEVELS OF DIFFICULTY At the beginning of each gamy, you may select between starting wave 1, 3, or 5, each giving a starting score of 0, 400,000 or 800,000 points. To choose, point your cursor at the appropriate icon and press the fire button. CONTROL Your space ship will be steered by moving the joystick, and the lasers are activated by pressing fire. All keyboard commands are displayed on screen. End.