BLACK SECT - WALKTHROUGH In the heart of Perigord, you must infiltrate the terrible Black Sect and find a mysterious grimoire to restore peace in the small village of Issegeac. 1) THE VILLAGE Opening the shutters of the house left. Digging up the window. Take the cheese. Take the bar. North. Is. Digging up the skull. Take the ring. West. North. Give the ring to farmers. North. Take the knife. North. Give the cheese tramp. Use the bar on the 3rd floor before the tramp. Digging the hole. Take the glove. Put the glove. Digging up the bush to the left. Take the vial. Remove gloves. North. West. Take the ECU. West. South. South. South. South. Take the soap front of the tree. Give the soap washer. It gives you a pin. South. Open the door to the tavern. Enter. Give the shield in Tavernier. It gives you bread. Exit the tavern. Is. Ask the bar. Take the ECU. West. Entering the tavern. Give the shield in Tavernier. You filled the flask of wine. Exit the tavern. North. North. West. Digging up the tree trunk (2 times). Take the sieve. Place the knife. Use the sieve into the river. Take the nugget. Place the sieve. Take the knife. Is. Give the peasant nugget. Give the knife to the paysan. South. South. Is. Use the knife on the rope. Digging up the dwarf. Take the score. West. Give partition musician. It gives you a page of missal. Read the page. Ask the page. North. North. Wait for the departure of the peasant. North. North. Give bread to tramp. It gives you a tablet. Read the tablet (2, 1, 3, 8). Ask the tablet. 2) THE WELL North. Give the priest flask. It gives you the key to the church. Open the door of the church. Arriving at the church. Take the missal. Read the missal (1, 3, 3, 2, 1). Place the missal. Press the arms of the statue. Exit the church. Is. Pull the crank. Descend into the well. Turn bars 2, 1, 3, 8. Search the hideout. Take the key. Is. Use the crank on the bell. Ask the crank. Use the key on the lock. Enter the reserve. Turn the horseshoe right. Use the pin on the hole. Search the hideout. Take the crucifix. Ask the pin. Take the old paper in the pile of straw. Read the paper. Place the paper. Out of the reserve. Close the door. West. To the surface. 3) THE APPOINTMENT West. West. Digging at the foot of the cross. Take the key. Is. Arriving at the church. Watch the cross in front of the altar. Putting crucifix on the cross without Christ. Press the cross. Go down the stairs. Digging under the cabinet. Take the case. Press the buttons (1, 3, 3, 2, 1). The search box. Take the pentacle. Ask the casket. Use the key to open the right door of the cabinet. Ask the key. Take the cassock. Close the cupboard. Climbing stairs. Exit the church. South. South. South. South. Is. Putting pentagram in the skull. Wait 23 H 00. Speaking to the disciple. 4) dungeon West. Take the larva in the left pillar. Is. Open the right door. Is. Take the tuft of digital wall on the right. Is. Ask the larva. Ask the head of digital. Is. Making the shield. Search the hideout. Take the parchment. Read the parchment (cross, circle, square, triangle). Place the parchment. Turn the chandelier. Digging up the tray. Take the parchment. Read the parchment. Place the parchment. Open the armor. Digging up the armor. Take the key. Use the key to open the door bottom. Ask the key. Enter the dungeon. Turn the bar environment. Search the hideout. Take the parchment. Read the parchment. Place the parchment. Delving straw right. Take the lighter. Exit the dungeon. 5) THE RECIPE Is. Use the fireplace lighter to light the fire. Place the lighter. Take the book on the table. Read the book. Place the book. Take the ring under the table. Open the door candle left. Digging up the door candle. Take the parchment. Read the parchment. Place the parchment. Raise the tenture right. Take the key. West. Take the rope. West. West. Wait until the room is empty. Put the ring in the cross shield. West. Open the trunk. Digging up the trunk. Take the knife. Ask the key. Close the trunk. West. Use the rope pulley on the right. Pull the rope. Take the shield. Watch the signs on top of the beam. Pull the ham in order: cross, circle, square, triangle. Is. Is. Entering the room from the bottom. Read the big book right. Raise the Green Paper on the bottom shelf. Take the paper. Read the recipe. Exit the library. Is. Ask the recipe. 6) THE HOUSE Is. Wait there is nobody in the room. Hiding in the armor. Wait a disciple happens, then wait for it to leave. Take the medallion on the ground. Entering the room from the bottom. Take the paper on the skeleton. Exit the dungeon. Is. Is. Give the medallion to the disciple. North. West. Use the knife on the bed pillow left. Digging up the pillow. Take the bottle (you drink). Take the 2nd bottle. Use the bottle on paper. Read the paper (C, L, I, N, E). Place the bottle. Place the paper. Place the knife. Place the shield on the hook of the wall to the right of the bed. Digging under the bed. Take the chicken leg. Take the sword to the left of the bed. Before bed: Take the pendant. Take the diamond. Take the pin. Is. South. Put the sword on the armor. West. Open the 2nd floor at the bottom right. Digging the hole. Take the black ring. Close the hole. 7) THE MEAL West. West. Ask the pendant. Place the diamond. Is. Entering the room from the bottom. Take the bowl. Exit the dungeon. West. Take the recipe. Giving spit disciple. In the kitchen, give the cook: The black ring, the recipe, the bowl and the leg of chicken. Exit the kitchen. West. West. West. Watch the letters on each side of the drawer of the table. Press the buttons for: C, L, I, N, E. Digging up the tray. Take the box of powder. Close the drawer. Is. Is. Is. Take the tuft of digital. Take the larva. Taking the pendant. Give the pendant to the disciple. In the kitchen, give the cook: The tuft of digital box powder and the larva. It gives you a meal. Speaking to cook. Exit the kitchen. 8) THE GRIMOIRE Is. Is. Is. North. Speaking to the disciple. North. Give the meal to the disciple blank. South. Speaking to the disciple. North. Digging up the disciple blank. Take the vial of acid. South. South. West. West. West. Take the pitcher. West. Entering the room from the bottom. Use the vial of acid on the lock. Open the trunk. Digging up the trunk. Take the amulet. Ask the flask. Exit the library. West. West. Open the bag behind the table. Using the pitcher on the bag (3 times). Is. Is. Is. Is. Is. Is. Take the piece of broken walk. Place the piece of walking. Search or walking is broken. Take the key. North. Speaking to the disciple. North. Put the amulet in the strange cavity in the wall right. Entering the room grimoire. Take grimoire. Put the pitcher on the hook. Use the key lock on the door. West. West. Open the door of the inn. Enter. Give the grimoire to the innkeeper. End